VillaPerbene Comedy Show is the show by Chicco Paglionico, Francesco D’Antonio and Andrea Monetti.
An irreverent and very topical show that unmasks contradictions and clichés of our society, of ourselves.
Monologues, characters, jokes galore, music and video content: pure fun!
Villa Perbene is a comic collective from Salerno born in 2012 composed of Chicco Paglionico, Francesco D'Antonio and Andrea Monetti.
The three personalities and their respective different comic peculiarities immediately form an explosive mix.
In the same year of its foundation, the collective received a lot of acclaim by participating in the latest edition of Zelig off on Italia1, in 2013 Chicco Paglionico conquered the general public by landing at the historic Zelig Circus stage in prime time on Canale 5 with the parody of an ikea salesman ,, the same stage that Andrea Monetti will host a few years later, in the role of the irreverent Don Andrea, a very special provincial parish priest. At the same time Francesco D'Antonio is called to be part of the cast of Colorado on Italia1.
In 2014, after the TV successes, the collective moved its focus to the network and, through videos, parodies and collaborations, conquered the web in a few months.
At the beginning of 2018 there are more than 200 thousand users connected and registered on the VillaPerbene pages and more than 50 million views totaled by their contents.